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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Week 7, Day 3: Painkillers, Physio & Audiobooks

Week 7, Day 3

Goal: 10 miles in 8:30 – 9 min/miles
Actual: Postponed

A quick visit to the doctors and out again clutching a handful of painkillers and a physio referral. I then spent all of yesterday flat on my back resting and plugged into an audiobook to stave off boredom. I managed to get through the rest of the  Mogworld story and noticed that I need to paint the bedroom ceiling.  

And today my back feels a lot better! I’m off to see my physio tonight to get checked over but everything is looking good for more running!

I’ll let you know what the physio says and hopefully should be back on the road ... or trails shortly! (Although I will be avoiding bank hopping – and subsequent ditch falls in the future!)


  1. Hope everything goes well for you!

    1. Thanks Mach! I've been sitting in an office chair for 8 hours and it hasn't felt half as bad as I expected ... or as bad as Tuesday which is a real relief! At this rate, I'll be back running really soon, although I'll try and hold off on the falling over this time! :)
