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Saturday, 12 January 2013

Week 4, Day 6: 5 miles of fartleks ... with a mid-run loo break!

Week 4, Day 6

Goal: 5 mile fartlek
Actual: 5 mile fartlek

Got home and thought “Why is it that fartleks are always slower than normal runs on average pace but always feel much harder?” I’d forgotten that I’d added another mile onto my normal 4 mile route and was working out the pace based on a 4 mile run … yup. No hope. But fartlek runs always DO feel much harder.

I’d taken Steve Marathon Coach’s advice on this one and instead of changing speeds based on the terrain, I’d changed the paces based on time. It had meant that I was less tempted to speed up on the downhills and slow down on the uphills because it was a fartlek and I was “allowed to” slow down.  I hadn’t stuck to a set pattern but had changed paces on the minutes and half minutes.

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