1. You’re never too pissed or too nettle-stung to finish a brick session … even if you crashed your bike on the way home.
2. Being able to hum the waltz helps your swim technique … unless you try to sing it and sink.
3. You CAN have too many lentils if that’s the only recipe you can remember away from home … and your room mate will make pointed remarks about air freshener. **Parp**
4. You can always do one more hill rep ... especially if you get told you can have one pint for every hill rep. See Note 1: bike crashes.
5. Sibs is able to turn even the most 'Shark Attack' style swim techniques into something glorious.
6. You will get told to “Stop fucking freewheeling on the front” by Mark at some point in the group ride … don't argue, just don't freewheel.
7. French drivers don't seem to want to kill all cyclists like British drivers … not with their vehicles anyway. See Note 1. (Good beer)
8. Get a copy of the bike box key because it WILL hide and panic you … and you'll magically only find it the day before you have to return the box.
9. You can ALWAYS go fastest in the last rep on your run technique session ... especially if you're getting shouted at.
10. Morning swims in the pool at Les Stables with the steam rising from the water will spoil you for any pool or lake ever again … and it's worth it.
Had the most AMAZING week at Les Stables and can't recommend it enough. The training was hard work but it was fantastic to be able to concentrate on triathlon without having to fit it in between work, chores and coordinating everyday life. I swam like I'd never believed I could, cycled like I wished I could and ran like I was running towards a pub.
When can I come back?