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Sunday, 3 February 2013

Week 7, Day 7: Finally ... a nice, boring 20 miler.

Week 7, Day 7

Goal: 20 miles at 9 min/mile
Actual: 20 miles at 8:13 min/mile plus 2 mile cooldown.

In my defence … (And I’d like to get this in quick before Steve Marathon Coach sees this) I was told not to worry too much about pace today so I set the Garmin for 20 miles and then hid it under my running jacket, not to be checked again!

Emergency Supplies: Gels, Personal Alarm .... more loo roll.

I enjoyed this run. The miles flew past and I could relax and enjoy it … unlike last Sunday where the whole run felt like an uphill struggle.

My family are supporting me on my adventure to get to Paris … but as non-runners I thought I’d put today’s run in terms they could understand.

So family … here are the pubs I had to pass to complete my 20 mile run.  


Distance: 20 miles
Time: 2:43:45
Avg Pace: 8:13 min/mi


  1. I am sure it was nice to have a uneventful run for your training's sake, but I hardly think you are being considerate to your loyal followers

    1. Sorry Mach! Will attempt to add in some Garatuitous Poo next time!

  2. Yep, I'm with you on the whole loo roll thing .... I get quite antsy if I get down to my last couple of sheets and I still have several miles to run!

    1. Ha ha - glad I'm not the only one! Apparently some runners hide their water bottles along their long run routes ... I'm considering hiding rolls of Andrex along mine! ;)

  3. Great effort - sometimes hiding the watch is a good thing!

    1. Thanks Taffster! Not looking at the watch certainly took some of the pressure off. It was nice to just run and enjoy it without feeling I had to stick to a pace! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul! It was a really enjoyable run. Just nice.
