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Monday, 18 February 2013

Week 9, Day 2: An Uneventful Run ... Bliss!!

Week 9, Day 2

Goal: 7 mile build up run starting at 9s down to 7s

Actual: 8 mile build up run starting at 9s down to 7s ish plus 0.91mile cooldown

Note: I swapped Tuesday and Thursday sessions around this week.

Bliss. This run was completely uneventful apart from a sausage fingers moment when programming the Garmin which meant I added on an additional mile to build up to so ended up with 8 miles instead of 7.

I used my new headtorch which I’d bought from eBay and which was unbelievably bright. Love it. £16 including postage and it was lighting up street signs half a mile down the road.

Didn’t feel 100% on this run but my 3 year old has been poorly for the last few days so I hoping I’m not coming down with anything.  However, as a treat for getting the pacing bang on I had a bit of a blast on the last mile.


Distance: 8.91 miles

Time: 1:12:47

Mile 1: 9:01 min/mile

Mile 2: 8:44 min/mile

Mile 3: 8:30 min/mile

Mile 4: 8:16 min/mile

Mile 5: 7:58 min/mile

Mile 6: 7:44 min/mile

Mile 7: 7:28 min/mile

Mile 8: 6:46 min/mile

Mile 9 cooldown at 8:15 min/mile

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