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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Runner’s Foot Update

I caught myself using a Ped-Egg on my manky runner’s feet earlier. Seriously. A Ped-Egg.

If you haven’t come across one of these it’s basically a cheese grater for your feet. It’s the end. I’ve turned into my Mother.

That wasn’t the worst bit. The worst bit was trying to work out which wheelie bin to put the foot shavings into.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry ... I'm scraping the barrel on the whole 'telling it all' thing aren't I? :)

  2. I've been following your blog since you won the RW comp and every single one of your posts has made me LOL! This one definitely makes the Top 3!!! Can foot shavings be recycled?...!!!

    1. Evening Mary! Fab to hear from you! I'm SO glad you're enjoying it!! Your comment really made my day when I read it earlier! :)
