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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Bouncing on Balls Not ALWAYS Fun

Was on the waiting list for a gym class but went along anyway in hope ... and they let me in. I had my most pathetic puppy-dog face on so maybe they felt sorry for me. Or there was a free space. Either way I was glad to be there. I could do with some relaxation.

It was called ‘On the Ball’ and was a class bouncing on one of those nice big bouncy balls. It sounded relaxing. It sounded fun. It sounded just what I needed after a hard day running around after a three year old.

Needless to say, it was NOT a class bouncing on one of those nice big bouncy balls. It was a class which made me use weights. On a stick! A class which made me tie my legs together with a bit of rubber band and do thigh presses! It was not bouncing around on a ball in a nice fun way. It was using a ball to do weightlifting! And using a ball to do crunches!  There was no bouncing at all.

Yes. It was a good workout. And yes, I do think it probably did me some good. But it wasn’t relaxing.  I reckoned after all that craziness I was owed a glass of wine.

Unfortunately, it was a 2 for 1 workout. It makes you work hard and it stops you drinking alcohol.  

After all those weights, my arms were shaking too much to lift the bottle of wine. And I didn’t have a straw long enough to reach the bottom.

Lesson of the Day: Read class descriptions.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Haha bit of a "balls up" then lol, good to try something new though even if you don't know what it is :)

    1. Agree! Definitely good to try something new ... but I wish it had been something new that involved lying on the floor asleep or meditating gently ...! :) Hadn't been expecting something quite so energetic!
