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Races ... from the beginning!

Races & Parkruns

Leamington 10k April 2014
5k:                    20:13 (19:57 at the end of a triathlon)
10k:                  42:23
Half Marathon: 1:33:31

20 Miles:           2:37:08
Marathon:         3:23:17
50 Miles:           8:58:58
100 miles:         23:31:46

Sprint Distance Triathlon:          1:08:00
Olympic Distance Triathlon:       2:34:08
Middle Distance Triathlon:         5:08:46
Iron Distance:                            11:30:23


  • 21-Aug-10            5K            29:20            Coventry parkrun 
… My very first proper run outside! With other people! I went along on my own in case I disgraced myself by running into a tree or tripping over a small child or something. It was the beginning of a parkrun addiction …

  • 11-Sep-10            5K            28:08            Coventry parkrun
  • 18-Sep-10            5K            26:46            Coventry parkrun
  • 03-Oct-10            5K            27:11            Northamptonshire The Run 5K
            … My first race! They gave me a medal and everything! People cheered!

  • 30-Oct-10            5K            28:25            Coventry parkrun
  • 06-Nov-10            5K            26:54            Coventry parkrun
  • 13-Nov-10            5K            26:04            Coventry parkrun
  • 20-Nov-10            5K            25:55            Coventry parkrun
  • 27-Nov-10            5K            26:37            Coventry parkrun
  • 18-Dec-10            5K            26:04            Coventry parkrun

Tough Mudder - May 2012


  • 08-Jan-11            5K            31:42            Coventry parkrun
… I was pushing a pushchair for this one … the corners slowed me down a tad. As did the hills. And the pushing of the pushchair.

  • 22-Jan-11            5K            26:33            Coventry parkrun
  • 05-Feb-11            5K            26:09            Coventry parkrun
  • 26-Feb-11            5K            26:22            Coventry parkrun
  • 05-Mar-11            5K            25:10            Swindon parkrun
  • 12-Mar-11            5K            24:42            Coventry parkrun
  • 19-Mar-11            5K            23:43            Swindon parkrun
  • 26-Mar-11            5K            23:39            Coventry parkrun
  • 17-Apr-11            5K            23:15            WNAA Heroes Northants X Country Run
… The Mr said he thought I might have been 3rd woman for this one! Flippin’ heck!

  • 23-Apr-11            5K            23:27            Coventry parkrun
  • 05-Jun-11            5K            21:??            WNAA Heroes Warwickshire X Country Run
… I was 1st woman!! Was given a medal and everything!!

  • 21-Jun-11            10K            51:29           Kingsbridge Fairweek 10K
Quite possibly the hilliest 10k in the world. Ever. If Carlsberg did hilly 10ks..

  • 02-Oct-11            5K            22:12            Northamptonshire
… Back for more. But this time I took home the 3rd Senior Woman plaque! It still has pride of place in among the photos on my bookcase.

  • 28-Oct-11            5M            41:45            Skeleton 5
… A night run. Up a hill. In the dark. In fancy dress. With  toffee apple at the end!

  • 05-Nov-11            5K            22:00             Swindon parkrun


  • 18-Feb-12            5K            22:05               Swindon parkrun

  • 04-Mar-12            10K         49:54               Sole Destroyer
Cross country on a 4x4 testing track! Lots and lots of water. And mud. 4th woman.

  • 01-Apr-12            HM            01:44:09            Reading Half Marathon
… First half marathon! It hurt. A lot. Couldn’t even manage a sprint finish.

  • 13-May-12            12            02:06:00            Tough Mudder
Really tough. But good fun. Didn’t see a person finish who wasn’t bleeding! 3rd woman! Race Report

  • 09-Jun-12            5K              22:24               Coventry parkrun

  • 26-Jun-12            10K            49:44               EMGP Weedon 10K
First run with the club. Completely cocked it up and went off too fast. Wanted to stop but club mate talked me through. Race Report

  • 07-Jul-12            5K            21:51                  Swindon parkrun

  • 10-Aug-12            5M            37:59:00            Beacon Hill 5 mile (Hill Race)
The same hill that the Skeleton Run is run up but in the daytime! Views are amazing! I was up 2nd woman!! Race Report

  • 11-Aug-12            5K            21:56                   Coventry parkrun
Woo! First woman! Pushing all the fast-looking women in a hedge beforehand obviously worked! Race Report

  • 30-Sep-12            HM            99:44:00            Bristol Half Marathon
Completely different experience to Reading Half. Enjoyed it and finished on a great high! Gorgeous route too! Race Report

  • 14-Oct-12            Mar            03:45:11            RunLiverpool Marathon
… First marathon! AMAZING experience and made some great training friends on Twitter. Loved it but absolutely minced my feet. Race Report

  • 26-Oct-12            5M            39:20:00             Skeleton Night 5 mile (Hill Race)
Back for more with a headtorch. This time dressed as a zombie bride. 2nd woman! And a toffee apple! Race Report

Leamington parkrun (pic by Emma)

  • 3-Nov-12            3K            0:13:51                 English National Cross Country
2nd club run. Cocked this one up too. Went off far too fast and could quite happily have laid down on the course as an additional obstacle. Race Report
  • 24-Nov-12            5K            21:34                  Coventry parkrun 
  • 25-Nov-12            8 miles    1:05:06                Coombe 8 Cross Country
... This was in the middle of those great big floods. And wow ... was it flooded! Had amazingly prune-y toes by the end of this run. Also first XC over 2 miles ... ouch! No-one tells you how brutal XCs are!! But I'd do it again ..! Race Report

  • 8-Dec-12               5k            22:16                  Coventry parkrun
... on my birthday!! With a hangover! And a 'Vote RunnyRunRun' shirt on!


  • 5-Jan-13                5k            21:06                 Swindon parkrun 
… Deep puddles and a lovely course. Race Report
  • 9-Feb-13               5k            20:39                  Poole parkrun
… Flat and fast. Perfect PB course. Race Report
  • 16-Feb-13             13.1m    1:35:42                Race The Pace half marathon, Dorney Lakes
... This was the first race I did as part of the Asics Target 26.2. It was SO much fun meeting up with everyone and putting the training to the test! Started off slowly with 8:45, 8:40 and 8:30 min/mile and then built speed throughout the race! New PB and a great race! Race Report

  • 3-Mar-13              13.1m      1:37:57                Silverstone HALF
... Found this race a hard slog. Was just getting over a bad cold but the support was FANTASTIC! Race Report

  • 7-Apr-13               26.2m      3:25:06                 Paris Marathon
.... Wow! What a race! A gorgeous route, amazing support, a 20 minute PB, a Boston Qualifier AND a negative split! Race Report

  • 8 - 9-Jun-13         31m ish                                  Endure 24
… 24 hour race consisting of 5 mile hilly trail laps in a relay team of 8 … well 7 and a half. 
36:35, 36:28,37:35,38:05,36:28 … plus 5 miles around the campsite because who doesn't like a nice round number? 30 miles seemed much 'tidier' somehow. Don't eat chilli before a 24hr race. Race Report 

  • 27 - 28-Jul-2013    54m          1hr per lap ish     Thunder Run 24
… Hilly trail race in laps of 6 miles. In a pair. MASSIVE amounts of mud. Running in an epic thunderstorm. BEST RACE EVER!! Race Report

  • 31-Aug-13         25m           7hrs 50 mins            Yorkshire 3 Peaks
… Moo-ing Sheep, 25 miles and 3 mountains. Race Report

  • 7-Sep-13              6m            95 mins ish             Wolf Run
… Slides covering an entire hillside, bogs, lake swims and MUD!! Race Report

  • 6-Oct-13               26.2m       3:32:27                    Bournemouth Marathon
… Ouch! This one really hurt! Lack of tempo runs, worn out trainers and a calf injury putting me out for a few weeks meant that I wasn't very well prepared. And most of it was my own fault! 16th woman, 232nd/3001. Race Report

  • 25-Oct-13                   5m             38:23                 Skeleton Run
… At night in the dark, dressed as a cop, twice up and down a Beacon Hill. One of my favourite races. 2nd woman/121, 23rd/245. Race Report

  • 2-Nov-13                    3km          13:27                  English National Cross Country Relays
… Forgot how much short distances HURT. Not a fast result but I ran until my eyesight end blurry. Might not be a brilliant result but I tried hard. Race Report

  • 3-Nov-13                    6m             75mins ish         Winter Wolf Run
… Lots of mud, river swims and wades and obstacles. Like Wolf Run. But colder. Race Report

  • 1-Feb-14                    50m           8:58:58              Thames Trot 50 miles
… 1st point to point ultra marathon. BRILLIANT!! Supposed to be on Thames Path but due to the flooding was re-routed all over the place. Knee high wades, deep mud and great company! Race Report

Thames Trot 50

  • 8-Mar-14                    5km           20:46                   Colwick Parkrun
… We've started the park run tourism! A lovely flat parkrun on trails. Was pretty muddy in places but brilliant atmosphere - both marshals and other runners. Was 1st lady.

  • 23-Mar-14                 13.1m        1:33:30                  Warwick Half Marathon
… Gorgeous scenic run. HILLS! PBs! Race Report

  • 29-Mar-14                  5km           21:56                     Yeovil Montacute Parkrun
… All on grass and mud. There were ditch jumps, muddy corners and damp grass. A proper crosscountry parkrun. BRILLIANT. Was 1st lady. Race Report

  • 30-Mar-14                 13.1m         1:57:27                   Yeovil Half Marathon
… My last long, slow, run before London Marathon (eek!) so decided to do it as part of Yeovil HM. Got chatting to Val and paced her to her sub-2 goal. Lovely scenic route with MONSTER hill halfway up. A timed sprint competition for duration of hill. 2nd lady in the sprint!

  • 6-Apr-14                   10km             42:23                       Regency 10k
... My first 10k for a long time ... and not as scary as I was worrying! Great support, gorgeous route and chocolate in the goody bag!

  • 13-Apr-14                 26.2mi            3:23:17                  London Marathon
… It was AMAZING!! There were crazy crowds, people in chain-mail and buttocks eating nutella. Race Report

  • 19-Apr-14                    5km           20:14                        Colwick Parkrun
… Many thanks to the awesome Mike Wells who paced me to a sub-20 attempt. I didn't quite make it but scored a new PB! Thanks Mike!

'My Precioussssss' 

  • 2-May-14                     27mi           All Day                    Cycle Route 41

…Visit from a  Twitter buddy Rich Kirkham and our run from Warwick to Leamington Spa via Cycle Route 41. Run Report

  • 10-May-14                  24.5mi       5hrs 47                      Yorkshire 3 Peaks
… A very, very wet run across the 3 highest peaks in Yorkshire with Sarah A and Anna! Amazing day but felt like I'd been hit by a truck for a week afterwards! Run Report

  • 18-May-14                   9.5mi        1hr 11                        Hilly Hundred Leg 8
… A team event with the Northbrook ladies. A very hard race not helped by the sunshine and being attacked by ants. Race Report

  • 30-May-14                   2mi            12:49                         Whale Ale Relay
… Beer and running. What's not to like? 1st Ladies team … and a beer. Race Report

  • 8-Jun-14                      10k              43:47                       2 Castles Run
… Starting at Warwick Castle and running to Kenilworth Castle! Lovely and scenic at other end, hot and hilly in the middle. Race Report

  • 15-Jun-14                     26.2mi        4:39                          Stour Valley Marathon
…My first trail marathon. AMAZING! Gorgeous scenery, well-stocked checkpoints, awesome memento and a meal afterwards. All for £15! Joint 3rd lady. Race Report

  • 21-Jun-14                      5mi            33:58                         Broad Town 5
… Lovely road race hosted by Royal Wootton Bassett Hounds through the lanes. Boiling hot day but it is always same day as village fete so had ice cream afterwards. 5th lady. 

  • 28 - 29-Jun-14              30mi          24hrs (team of 8)       Endure 24
… Back for the 3rd year in a row for this brilliant race. Epic amounts of mud this year. Fell over, messed up nutrition, course under a foot of mud. Still loved it. 30 miles within team of 8.  Race Report

  • 20-Jul-14                      Sprint Tri    1:12:16                       Kimbolton Triathlon
400m swim, 20km bike ride, 4.8km run. Panicked during swim as went off too fast, LOVED bike ride and couldn't work out whose legs I'd borrowed off for the run as they didn't feel like mine. Enjoyed it … may be back! Race Report

  • 26 - 27-Jul-14               87mi           24hrs (solo)                 Thunder Run
First time attempting a 24hr race as a solo. Learned a few lessons and am indebted for life to Lozza who was my support. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Feet minced afterwards. Race Report               
  • 23-Aug-2014                Team Relay 3:32              Triathlon Club Relay Championships
Got talked into this after a few cocktails while on twitter on holiday. Came back home to realise I would actually have to do an open water swim with lots of enthusiastic people. Did it, didn't die. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Race Report

Bacchus Marathon

  • 14-Sep-14                  26.2mi         5:03:17                         Bacchus Marathon
26 miles ... 15 wine stations. We lost the race but WON at wine drinking. Race Report

  • 19-Sep-14                  1mi               7:15                              Equinox Beer Mile
1 mile, around a field in the dark. Had to climb a fence to get back to the finish as got lost so probably slightly over a mile. Ran out of beer so had to drink vodka instead. Also ran in jeans ... but at last minute remembered to take wellies off. 1st lady. Also last lady.

  • 20 - 21-Sep-14           35mi (18 chipped) 24hrs                   Equinox 24
Great race with team of friends from Twitter. Course was 75% road, 25% trail. 2nd year of race ... think it's going to be a popular one! Race Report

  • 4 - 5-Oct-14              77mi             16:45                             Saltmarsh 75
A tough one as was super-flat and on cambered grass paths along a sea wall. Survived on Haribo and flapjacks. Sulked at lack of hills. 3rd lady. Race Report Day 1. Race Report Day 2.

  • 11-Oct-14                  1mi               38 mins                         Night Swim
Swimming at night ... with a glowlight with 200 others! Freaky but brilliant! Got kicked in the head. Totally worth it. Race Report

  • 1-Nov-14                   3km             12:45                             Warwick University XC
Ugh. Too short a distance for me. Missed the cakes. 3rd ladies team. No thanks to me.

  • 8-Nov-14                  4mi                28mins                         Newbold Comyn XC
Overtaken by pretty much EVERYONE. Worms everywhere. Didn't fall in ditch and didn't lose shoes. Race Report

  • 8-Dec-14                  44mi             11hrs 40                        Coventry Way
Birthday Run! Was 35 years old so wanted to run 35 miles. But got lost. Then there were no pubs at 35 miles so we decided to finish the loop. Brilliant, freezing and watching shooting stars as we ran across ploughed fields at night. Race Report

Coventry Way - Birthday Run

  • 14-Dec-14               10mi               77mins                        Sneyd Striders Pudding Run
Was told you get a Christmas pudding at the end. Sold! Ran at a comfortable pace with a club buddy and talked the whole way. Had an ice cream at the end. Missed getting an autograph from Jodie Stimpson. Sulk. 

  • 21-Dec-14               12mi               1:55:14                       12 Miles of Christmas
12 miles .... 5 pubs. Ran in a Santa Suit and had a glass of mulled cider (or mull of some description!) at each pub. Loved it.

12 Miles of Xmas

  • 7-Feb-15               1mi               AGES                       Rugby Beer Mile
Had underestimated just HOW MUCH beer was in 4 cans ... Race Report

  • 29-Mar-15             Sprint Tri      1:19:07                     Bicester Triathlon
Complete opposite to last triathlon. Loved the swim, detested the bike, survived the run. Biblical weather and gale force winds made the bike and run a litte (LOTS) challenging. Race Report

Bicester Tri

  • 12-Apr-15               40 miles      7 hrs 24 mins            Coventry Way Ultra
Almost the perfect race! Everything felt great, ran with good company, plenty of snacks and had a cider at the end. 2nd lady. Race Report

  • 2-May-15               100 miles      ...... DNF                 Thames Path 100
Dropped at Checkpoint 1 unable to keep food or water down. Appalling timing for a tummy bug but it made dropping out an easy choice! I'll be back to claim you, 100 mile buckle! Race Report

  • 9-10-May-15             Race Support   24 hours            Hope 24hr
I was race support and attempted to support my solo runner. It didn't quite go as I'd planned.
Hope 24: How To Be An Amazing (*Amazingly Shite*) Support Crew Race Report

  • 17-May-15                13.1 miles        1:36:24                    Riga Half Marathon             
A brilliant destination race! Congested start as someone else booked my entry and had put me in the 2hrs 30 pen behind the 4hr marathons. Great city and well organised race. 1st UK lady!! Race Report

  • 28-May-15               500m swim, 2k run 18:30 ish         Cliff Lake Aquathlon
Didn't drown OR get kicked in the head!! This was the run & swim Aquathlon, apparently an Aquathlon is ALSO underwater wrestling. Not that one. 4th lady!

  • 7-Jun-15                27 miles                 4:24                 Stour Valley Marathon           
One of my favourite races. Didn't get chased by livestock this year. Walked ALL the hills. 2nd lady. Race Report

Stour Valley

  • 13-14-Jun-15           20 miles                24hr race        Endure 24          
Battling a chest infection and being on antibiotics made this a hard event. Thanks to my lovely teammates for putting up with my moaning and coughing! Also took 5 year old to a 24 hour event ... BAD DECISION. Race Report

  • 20-Jun-15                 Olympic Tri          2:43:15              Dambuster Triathlon
First Olympic distance triathlon. They were all SO QUICK! Got my arse handed to me and rightly so. Need to brush up on bike and swim in a big way! However hit all personal targets and loved the event and venue! Race Report

Pitsford Triathlon
  • 25-June-15               500m swim, 2k run 18:30 ish         Cliff Lake Aquathlon
Cliff Lakes Aquathlon! Fell over on the run. Am idiot. 2nd lady.

  • 28-Jun-15               27.5mi                    6hr 13                Giants Head Marathon
A personal worst time and TOTALLY WORTH IT!! Massive hills, massive ice cream, fully laden checkpoints and ran all the way with Liz and Angela. Loved it! Camping, hog roast, barn dance and sea swim afterwards. Amazing. Race Report

  • 12-Jul-15               Olympic Tri              2:48:38               Pitsford Triathlon
Had stitch entire race, rode bike up bank by mistake, lost kit in transition, overtaken by a lady doing breaststroke during swim and did worst ever 10k time. 1st in AG. Race Report

  • 18-Jul-15              13.1                          1:53                    Invader Half Marathon 
Gorgeous trail marathon. Amazing scenery, friendly runners and a LOT of Roman fancy dress. Best finish line EVER! Bales of hay as finish funnel, then just 10 steps to the cider and ice cream stand and the 'Dorset Swimming Pool'. (Bales of hay covered in polythene and filled with water). AMAZING. 

  • 19-Jul-15              2 miles?                   FOREVER            Chaos Race
You had to put your shoes in a sack along with 100 other people. Run up the field with everyone else in your socks, try and find your shoes, sprint 2 miles and wait for the other half of your number to carry a random object down to the finish line. 

  • 25-Jul-15              42 miles                   Every now and then  Thunder Run TR24
Had been allowed to do this race by Coach on strict proviso I only did a few miles. Did a couple more but did them SLOW ...

  • 16-Aug-15            2km swim                 36 mins                  Swim Rutland 
Amazing opportunity! First time in 40 years swimmers have been allowed to cross. Taken across on Rutland Belle (free trip) and drafted a faster swimmer on the way back (free trip). 

  • 29-Aug-15            Middle Dist Tri           5:17:18                  Vitruvian Triathlon
Swim was like a WWE smackdown in water, bike was 'Guess The Shit Swimmer' and the run was 'Please don't let me poo myself'. Bloody loved it. Race Report

Vitruvian Triathlon

  • 6-Sep-15              Olympic Tri                2:34:08                   Bala Triathlon
Amazing scenery, freezing lake, got decked by a wannabe cage fighter in the swim. Insanely fast race. Race Report

  • 13-Sep-15            Marathon                5 hrs ish                   Bacchus Marathon
26 miles of trails, 15 wine stations, 1 hog roast ... while dressed as a pirate. This race WINS at marathons.

Bacchus Marathon
  • 3-Oct-15               Marathon                6 hrs ish                   Heart of England 
Inaugural race. Hardly got lost at all. Bacon sandwiches all round at 11 miles. Cakes at 19 miles. Gorgeous scenery, lovely volunteers and a bit of a trot with friends. Loved it.

  • 18-Sep-15            1 (beer) mile          6:15 (incl chug time)     Equinox Night Beer Mile
Beer mile ... on trail ... in the dark ... 1st lady and 2nd overall! I have NEVER felt so sick after a race! Great fun though!

  • 19-Sep-15            10k                         47 mins ish                    Equinox 10k
Tough trail 10k but with great support and camaraderie! 2nd lady.

  • 17-Oct-15            100 miles               23 hours 31 mins           Autumn 100
Despoiling Gardens, Arse Chafing & Running 100 Miles. The ornamental gardens of Reading will never be the same again. Orange covered chicken wouldn't stay down. The marble rule disputed. Race Report

  • 13-Mar-16            13.1 miles               1:34:21                        Silverstone Half
Toilet nazism, zombies and a 3.5 min course PB. Race Report  

  • 20-Mar-16             20 miles                   2:37                           Ashby 20
Warm day, bumpy course and a negative split!

  • 24-Apr-16              26.2 miles                3:27                          London Marathon
Dressed in full elf outfit! Got a Guinness World Record! A day of chat, laughs and running with friends. Loved it! Thanks Mike, Alex and Ann.

  • 1-May-16               Sprint Tri                  1:18:12                     Pitsford Sprint Triathlon
First triathlon of the year and with an open water swim! Swim shortened due to cold water so 400m not 750m. First race on new bike! 1st in AG.

  • 20-May-16                                            03:17:49                   Slateman Triathlon 
Trod in sheep poo, swam the bike leg and found my world-of-pain face on the run. Loved it. Race Report

  • 27-May-16              2 Miles                   12:46                        Tempo Beer Relay
Stratford beer relay. Not expecting much to be in the legs after last week's triathlon. Earned a pint. 

  • 5-Jun-16                 27 Mile Marathon   4:17:46                    Stour Valley Marathon
Chased Kate for half the race. Caught Kate. Kept getting lost so Kate gave up on me navigating myself and ran with me while I irritated her for 2 hours with non-stop talking. Joint 3rd Ladies

  • 17-Jul-16               Olympic Triathlon   2:39:15                      Pitsford Olympic Triathlon
Won idiot award (self-presented) for setting alarm an hour early and sitting in living room thinking "gosh it's quiet". Forgot tri belt. Very warm so had MASSIVE ice cream at the end. 2nd in AG. 

  • 14-Aug-16                       Swim 2km               42:17               Rutland Water 
Missed the boat ... literally, minced across the beach at high speed, didn't PB. Race report

  • 24-Aug-16                     10TT                         26:31                10 mile bike time trial
1st time trial. Turned up in the wrong kit, with flattish tyres and no idea what I was doing. Didn't die, didn't knock anyone else off, didn't fall off. Winning at staying on bike. Race Report

  • 04-Sep-16              Challenge Walchsee European Championships   5:38:38              
First time representing GB in triathlon. Loved Austria. Incredibly beautiful. Disappointed with race result but not all races can go to plan. Race Report

  • 11-Sep-16                Marathon                    All the wine          Bacchus Marathon 
All the wine. All the food. Dressed as lifeguards. Ran with Tim and Liz. Had a blast. And all the wine.

  • 18-19-Sep-16                24 hours                  42 miles             Equinox 24 
Ran as Training for Cotswolds and Autumn 100. Had a brilliant time. Talked and ate non-stop.

  • 24-25-Sep-16           60 miles                        12:59:17            Cotswolds 57
Really bloody hilly. AMAZING scenery and a really inclusive friendly event.  2nd lady.  Race Report

  • 15-Oct-16                 100 mile run                 23:46                  Autumn 100
100 mile run. Ran with Con. Had a brilliant time and ate all the snacks and talked ALL THE TIME. 

  • 18-Dec-16                 12 miles                 6ish mulled wines?    12 Miles of Xmas
12ish wiggly miles around Warwick and Leamington and around 6 pub stops ... a mulled wine at each and a train home! *hic*


  • 14-Jan-17                 13 miles                13 Miles / 4 Outdoor Swims  The Swimmer
13 miles run across London from Hampstead Heath to Brockwell with a swim in the outdoor venues of Hampstead Pools, Parliament Hill Lido, The Serpentine and Brockwell Lido. Race Report

  • 28-Jan-17                8.8km                43:44    Cross Country   Loughborough 8.8km
Horrific as expected. Stupid cross country.  

  • 26-Feb-17                 59 miles                REALLY HILLY Sportive   Rawlinson Bracket
Had a horrendous ride ... then met Fiona and Linda and had a BRILLIANT time! Race Report

  • 19-Mar-17                 20 miles                2:37:08    20 Mile Road Race   Ashby 20
ALL the hills and ALL the wind! Had a lovely time and chatted the miles away with Pascale. Negative split.

  • 23-Apr-17                 20 miles                3:27:42    Road Marathon   London Marathon
Ran the first 20 with Ann and had a brilliant catch up and then ran the last 6 in at my own pace.

  • 7-May-17                 Sprint Tri               1:12 ish          Pitsford Sprint Triathlon
Chilly swim, chilly bike, chilly run. Lovely route. 

  • 21-May-17                 Olympic Ish         3:17:00ish   Slateman Triathlon
Gorgeous, cold and absolutely brutal. 

  • 25-Feb-18                 59 miles                4:04:15    Rawlinson Bracket Sportive

Entered it as decided it surely couldn't be as bad as last year. It was pretty bad. Freezing but good company. ALL THE HILLS EVER. Camel toe gloves. Race Report

  • 8-Apr-18                 40 miles                   7:40:00    Coventry Way Ultra   
Grand old time on one of my favourite routes. Still managed to get lost about 4 times though. Bladder exploded. No not that one. Race report

  • 29-Apr-18                 Sprint Tri               1:08:00    Southam Triathlon 
My Garmin is a git. Appear to be unable to count as almost cried when I realised I had another lap of the playing field to run. Got bling. Race Report

  • 8-May-18                Tri Training Camp                       Les Stables, France
Absolutely fantastic. Learned a LOT about swim, bike and run and sped up dramatically. Weather also perfect. Crashed bike. All ok. Got interesting scars now. Race Report

  • 20-May-18                 13.1 miles             98:17            Draycote Half Marathon
Extremely hot day ... got slower ...and slower ... and slower. Apparently everyone else felt the same as picked up 4th lady prize.

  • 1-Jul-18                 70 miles                     4:02:48          Daventry Sportive
Dropped Rich in a pothole but carried on regardless and got an ice lolly at the top of Navigation Hill. 

  • 29-Jul-18                 100 miles                  5:33:48           Ride London 100
WETTEST RIDE EVER. Got lost, got sweaty, got really wet. BUT made new friend and didn't fall off. Or drown. Race Report

  • 5-Aug-18                 70.3                          5:22:09            Cowman Triathlon
Swim PB. Got lost on bike route. Toolkit fell off so ended up with mono aero boob and recced run route the wrong way. Temps hitting 28*c so just wanted a lie down on the floor. 2nd in AG. Race Report

  • 12-Aug-18                4km                          1:33:36                 Rutland Water 4km
Choppy but gorgeous place to swim. Farthest distance ever I think. Loved it. Bit happy about doing it. Race Report.

  • 25-Aug-18                Sprint Tri                   56:02               National Relays
Lots of fun. Was team captain for some crazy idea as am least organised person EVER. Didn't even get a hat. Didn't lose any team members though. Whoop!

  • 8-Sep-18                   70.3                          5:08:22           Vitruvian Triathlon
My A race. Very fast field but had such a great day! Faster swim than 2015, faster bike AND faster run. Forgot to drink on 2nd lap of bike *face/palm* but had a good day out. Race Report

  • 26-Sep-18                 35 miles                   6 hours           Daventry Challenge 
Run as far as you want for 6 hours on a 3 mile loop. Lovely sociable event. Warm day. Just lovely. Managed to snag highest female mileage despite not running more than 16 miles since June. Something to be said for all this training then. 

  • 13-Oct-18                 100 miles                  24:30:21         Autumn 100 
One of my favourite events. Apart from that bit to bloody Reading. Wet. Really bloody wet. Good knock knock jokes. Race Report

  • 26-Oct-18                 26.2 miles                 3:53:00           Dublin Marathon
A really hilly road marathon. Did it for fun as part of the ASICS weekend and had a brilliant time. Wine and whiskey tasting the night before and baked beans for breakfast didn't help the the legs or the time. Needless to say when I was feeling sorry for myself at mile 16 in the portaloo I wasn’t feeling particularly pleased when some bloke either assuming that I’d fallen in or that the door had jammed, forced the door open to reveal me sitting on the bog to all of the passing runners. Yep. Thanks for that, you bloody idiot. Personal worst. Totally worth it. Race Report

  • 23-Feb-19                56 miles                  3:34:39         Rawlinson Bracket
Actually enjoyed it (had to have a word with myself about that!). Smashed the hills and just had a bloody lovely time. (Time above is moving time) Race Report

  • 11-May-19                 300 km                 2 days           Dulux London Revolution Audax
Had the BEST time! Amazing route, great atmosphere and they even pitched little tents for us for the overnight stop! Only lost Becca once and ate ALL THE FOOD. Race Report

  • 19-May-19                Sprint Tri                  1:15:24         Coventry Sprint Tri
These short ones are tough! Max HR the whole way! 2nd female overall and 1st in AG. Got some lovely bling! Race Report

  • 2-Jun-19                 70.3 Half Iron            5:26:22          Ultimate 70.3.Triathlon
Divine swim and a nice PB, bike course was pretty and should have been fast but strong winds and a headwind coming back in dropped the speed, run was a toughie but pleased with 3rd female and 2nd in AG. Race Report

  • 9-Jun-19                 10k                            45:00              2 Castles 10k
A bumpy 10k road race run between 2 beautiful castles in Warwickshire. Just out for a nice run rather than a race which was a nice feeling then ... CODE BROWN!! Race Report

  • 22-Jun-19               Olympic Triathlon       2:39:47.         Dambuster Triathlon           
A lovely course around Rutland. Had a tough old race but sitting in the lake at the end with my Les Stables buddy Helen and a pint in each hand helped A LOT.

  • 17-Jul-19                  SwimRun                 3:12:17         Breca Gower SwimRun
One of my favourite races EVER. Start on a remote beach in Wales and running the inlets and swimming the bays. Seals, jellyfish and ALL THE SMILES. Race Report

  • 21-Jul-19                  10k                           47ish             ASICS London 10k
A lovely 10k course in central London. Ran with the ASICS girls and had so much fun! Also ran with Anna to her first post-baby 10k! Love a sociable run!  

  • 13-Apr-20                  190 miles ish                                12 hours on Zwift                          
Lockdown had started and domestic abuse had risen dramatically as people locked in their houses almost 24hrs a day. Rach and I decided to cycle for 12 hours to raise some money for the Birmingham Crisis Centre. Event Report 

  • 23-Jul-20                     200ish miles                           3 days       Solo Cycle to Portland
A lovely but extremely damp adventure on my trusty Liv which included tying everything on with a phone cord, getting very lost (including accidentally cycling back towards home again) and finding Portland Bill. Event Report

  • Aug-20                            250ish miles                           3 days       Cycle to Wales & Back
A crazy adventure on 2 wheels which included braving a named storm, cycling through insane floods, downed trees and a solo ride home again. Event Report

  • 10-Jul-21                            21k                           3hrs 23       Breca Coniston Swimrun
An amazing trail run around the Lake District with a few dips in lakes long the way including Windermere, Grasmere and Rydal. LOVED IT! Race Report

  • 8-Aug-21                            21k                                 Breca Loch Lomond Swimrun
Starting at Balloch and swimming between the islands in the loch to finally end at Luss. It was brutal, beautiful and absolutely unlike any other swimrun I'd done before. An incredible introduction to the wild beauty of Scotland and its amazing people. Race Report

  • 11-Apr-22                            40 miles           ...aaages                A Coventry Way
Bright & cold with birdsong & frost. Ran alone and pootled around some trails I have run plenty of times ... and kept rounding corners to find out an entirely unexpected bit of trail. Longest run had been 10 miles this year so a little less prepared than usual. Cycling counts, right? Managed 3rd female somehow. Race Report 

  • 10-Apr-22                            21k                           ...                    Brighton Marathon
Had the NICEST time in Brighton but a road marathon the week after a 40 mile ultra was a bit too much for the poor feet so I stepped off the course at halfway and spent the rest of the day cheering and having a grand old day out!

  • 29-May-22                           100 miles                 5:26:21         Ride London
Went off far too fast, blew up like an idiot, made some friends and had lots of fun! Race Report

  • 19-Jun-22                       Metric Middle          5:39:49               Centurion Metric Triathlon
This was kind of a middle distance but with a longer swim and a shorter run ... pretty much the opposite to what I need in a triathlon! Support was excellent - marshals were epic AND the routes were very pretty! Pinkt-The-Amazing-TT-Bike dropped her chain 3 times and I was in almost all new kit (the EXACT opposite to what I'd recommend should you ask!) It was also boiling hot but a thoroughly decent event! 4th female, 1st AG

  • 26-Jun-22                       Olympic                   2:50:16                 Dambuster Triathlon
One of my fave courses and this years' Rugby Tri Club triathlon! Amazing to see everyone out on the course and a deep water start and closed roads on the bike was a bit of a treat! Swim very choppy but a nice day out! 6th AG

  • 4-Jul-22                          3-Up Timetrial                                        Mallory Park
Did a 3-Up Cycling Timetrial with Laura and Nic of Rugby Triathlon Club at Mallory Park. No one fell off, no one cried and there were chips afterwards.

  • 20-Aug-22                        Ironman                12:01:47                 IM Copenhagen
Ironman Copenhagen. Amazing city! Lost eyesight on the bike ... but stayed on! Didn't trust any farts on the run! Full course this time! Woo! Race Report

  • 1 & 2 Oct-22                     Ultra Cycle            2 days                     London Revolution
Dropped my phone in the portaloo, decided against trying a tandem and drank some fizz! Had a grand old time. Race Report

  • Winter-22                        10k race Series        5 x 10k                 Tempo Winter Series
5 x 10k events run over the Winter. Insane hills, bloody cold but insanely sociable and you get a pack of sausages at the end of each event and a hoodie at the end of the series! Race Report

  • 2-Apr-23                          40 miles                 7:40:51                 Coventry Way
Utterly horrible conditions. It had been raining nearly non-stop for as long as any of us could remember so course was almost entirely ankle deep mud. However ran on my own, had a lovely time and felt like I could run forever! 1st female! Race Report

  • 29-Apr - 2-May-23          250 miles              3 & a bit days          King Alfreds Way
More brutal than we expected, more beautiful than we'd hoped and hillier than I could have imagined. Mud. Everywhere. Bloody brilliant. 

  • 21-May-23                     10 miles                 1:19:56                    Hilly Hundred
10 mile leg of a 100-mile relay. Insanely hilly, lots of teamwork and support and lovely to be running for Northbrook AC again. Managed to nab the 1st leg so 0500hrs start and the sunrise leg! Loved it! Didn't get lost, pass out. or bitten by ants this year. Race Report.

  • 28-May-23                      100 miles                 5:26:46         Ride London
Had a lovely day cycling with training buddy Rich! Took it easy first half then had some fun in the second half doing some chain ganging and sprints! Loved it! 

  • 4-Jun-23                         70.3 triathlon            6:18:42        Weymouth Middle Distance
Slowest middle distance triathlon by about 70 minutes. Sea swim was choppy, bike was hilly and run was brutally hot. Managed to achieve a personal worst in all 3 disciplines! However support from friends and family was EPIC and it was such a great weekend in Weymouth. Felt slightly better by being 2nd AG ... although gap between 1st and 2nd was monstrous!

  • 30-May - 1-Jun-23           Ironman in a weekend!  13:47:05  Long Course Weekend
Wow ...! What an event! Long Course Weekend is Ironman Wales but run over a weekend with the swim on the Friday, bike on the Saturday and marathon on the Sunday! This was to be a fun event as it doesn't have the drafting or racing rules and it was about holding out for the 4th medal on the Sunday if you complete all of the 3 long course events! Incredible atmosphere and friendly people! Loved it!

  • 8-Jul-23                         10k                                                     ASICS London 10k
What an incredible weekend! Always amazing to meet up with the ASICS FrontRunners - it's just like being reunited with a family! Ran the 10k with Vicky and Emma (from Netherlands team!) and we had so much fun! We stopped for photos in front of the London Eye, got kisses from a sausage dog puppy and cheered on EVERYONE!! Loved it!

  • Oct-23                         150ish                                            Cycling Northamptonshire Way
Took the mountain bike. Fell off in quite a lot of mud and puddles. Cracking Indian food. Saw cows with antlers. Report

  • Winter-23                         10k race Series        5 x 10k                 Tempo Winter Series
5 x 10k events run over the Winter. MASSIVE hills. Mostly rainy. Sometimes ice. BUT a pack of sausages at the end of each event and a hoody if you complete the set! I was away for one so marshaled another event to get the hoody!

  • Mar-24                             3 mile laps                              Big Bear Salcey Forest
Went out for a 13 mile run ... went a bit further. GOOD snacks at aid station. Mud but pretty forest. Super friendly. Nice to just run. Race Report

  • Mar-24                               70 mile cycle                                 Mad March Hare
First ride of the year outside. Go big or go home, right? Didn't get very lost. Had jellybeans and saw a friend! Woo! Race Report

  • Apr-24                              40 Mile Run                                            Coventry Way
Checkpoints ran out of food. Had to steal husbands sandwich. Extremely muddy. I think I still have mud under my toenails from this event. Race Report.

  • May-24                            100 mile ride                                      Ride London
DOWNSIDES: 3am alarm, forgot to charge Garmin and forgot to top up water, massive floods. PLUS: Greggs steak bake at mile 25, sausage roll at mile 50, didn't get much rain. Ride time 5hrs 15.

  • May-24                            Mountains                                        ASICS Spring Meet!
Incredible location in the Black Mountains and soooooo good to see everyone. Played rounders - got a rounder! Ran (walked) up a (mini) mountain and ran back down. Had a bloody lovely time. 

  • Jun-24                             Middle Distance Triathlon                     Weymouth Middle
Was so horrific last year, I entered it again as it couldn't possibly have been as bad as I remembered ... ran out of gels & water and swore never again. 2nd AG. Might have entered it again next year. 

  • Jul-24                               Ironman Over a Weekend                Long Course Weekend
Stung by jellyfish, mauled by own wetsuit and arse chafed on bike. Saw a massive squashed snake. Grand weekend out. Loved it.

  • Aug-24                             Ironman Kalmar         11:30:23           Long Distance Triathlon
Had 2 ribs broken for me 6 weeks ahead of event so if I got kicked in swim it was game over. Did not get kicked, got swim PB (maybe from FEAR of being kicked), had a baguette on the bike to eat as couldn't source a sausage roll in Sweden (INCREDIBLE) got a bike PB, ate lemon slices and watermelon on the run (settles stomach & did not poop trisuit) got run PB. Sweden I LOVE you. 

  • Sep-24                             Swim Serpentine & London Classics   2 mile swim
I did not love it. Had been told to expect serenity and peace. Was murky water, taste of petrol and swans. Organisation was fantastic - like clockwork but swim was congested and quite a lot of biff.

  • Oct-24                             Cantii Way   150 ish mile trail ride around South-East Coast
A LOT of rain, but the most incredible route with castles, beaches and a couple of tasty hills. Also featuring a significant amount of rain and a dog chase which involved traffic being halted due to someone else's dogs being out of control and off the lead and nearly squashed by cars. Remembered how much I disliked cycling on sand (fell off AGAIN) and how much I LOVE cycling by the sea.

  • Oct-24                             Hyrox London   1:19:29           Hyrox Doubles with Becca
Becca was incredible. I nearly died. More training please. New max HR of 200BPM set and a resolution to make sure I do a lot more strength work in 2025!


  1. Your progress is great, well done, it's very inspiring. And congrats on 26.2 selection!

  2. Thanks Lostjogger! Can't believe I only started running 2 years ago ... feels like I've been doing it all my life now! :) I'm SO excited about the ASICS Target 26.2! I'm going to run Paris marathon!! Eeek!

  3. ditto the above on progress - sub 20 parkrun this year after your marathon duties....?

    1. FIngers crossed!! I'm in a friendly compeition with Bacon Steve (1st timer in Asics 26.2) and Sarah Osborne (RW forum 6 sub 3:30) to hit sub-20 this year! We all met up at the Runners World bootcamp and decided to start a friendly competition ... however I think I'm going to get soundly whipped at this one! But ... so long as I get there in the end!! (She says hoping she gets there FIRST!! ;)

  4. You got my vote in the Runner's World poll. Your progress is inspiring! Good luck with Paris :)

    1. Afternoon! I saw your nice comment and tried to reply while I was in Paris! (So you had perfect timing!) But unfortunately my phone rebelled and I'm writing this in the grey UK instead! Thank you so much for your nice comment ... and your vote! So in part it was thanks to you I've just had such an amazing weekend and am now the proud owner of a Boston qualifier!! Thank you!! :)

  5. Wow - you have inspired me. I'm still on the 25 min 5k and your amazing progress and times show me that I could do it too. Well done! x

    1. Oh what a lovely comment - thank you! I've started using more structured schedules since Paris and more quality speedwork and I'm hoping the 5k times will drop too!! x

  6. You're a bit awesome.
    Plus the commentary...Oh my goodness it's wonderful to finally read race times where someone is a little more lighthearted..Whilst being super fast!
    Am defiantly going to try the pushing others out of the way idea..not that I'm violent or anything but it just may improve my ranking but not my popularity..I won't need friends when I'm fist..obs!

    1. What a lovely comment! Thank you ever so much! :) Or you could use a 'Poking Stick' ™instead of pushing? Just remember I thought of it first when you're collecting your millions in royalties!! :)

  7. The most comprehensive race blog ever, do you employ a statistician and a blogger :-)
    Very impressive progress over the last 7 years

    1. Thanks Michael ... the details are all down to good old Strava and :)

  8. You have done so much! And such great humour! But no reports since October 2018 ... hope you are OK.

  9. Thank you! :) I'm fine thank you - just taking a break from a busy year! Back on it now for 2019 though!
