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Friday, 20 September 2013

Wolf Run ... A Story in Pictures ...

Once upon a time, there was a mud run ... 
... And a pit full of mud. And my sister. Who was determined that once, just once she was going to beat me in a race. So she jumped into a pit of mud. And splashed ....
(My sister is the blonde one, I am the one with dark hair getting splashed. Note to self ... keep mouth shut in mud pits ....)
 And splashed some more ...

And some more ...

Finally I escaped from her and climbed out of the mud pit. The photographer spotting that my mouth was actually full of mud decided to snap a picture ...

Then there was a slide, made of polythene sheets and filled with water, washing up liquid ...

... And mud ...

At the end of the run was a final obstacle. A muddy slope and a pit full of muddy water. As I am a sensible runner, I decided to enter this pit carefully and gently ...

Well kind of.

... I got a mouth full of muddy water. Ruined my running clothes. Totalled my trainers. But had an AMAZING day ...

... And will be back for more next year. 



  1. This is the best set of race pictures I have ever seen! Glad you had a good time :-)

    1. It was AWESOME!! There's an April and a November one too ... fancy a twitter meet up and a muddy run? :)

  2. These pics are fab chick you looked like you were loving it - in fact so much so that I totally want to have a go next year it looks great :)

    1. It was SO much fun!! I'm looking at doing the April one too so if you fancy a trip to Warwickshire let me know!! Sounds as though we've got a team in the making!! :)

  3. I LOVE your race pictures! In every single one you are looking like you are having so much fun! :)

  4. It was brill! It was nice because there wasn't any pressure to race, just have a giggle and try not to eat too much mud! (I failed at the last point!!:)
