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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2014 Review: Nutella-Eating Buttocks, Reasons NOT to Date a Runner and Upside Down Tattoos

2014 has been a year full of adventures ... and misadventures. And animal attacks. 

... I'll let the numbers do the talking ...

Miles Run: 1464 ... approximately the distance from Norwich, UK to Moscow, Russia.

Races Run: 25

Arses bitten by animals: 1 arse but multiple ants 

Runs which included a blocked loo, a rubber duck and a dog: 1

Weedy bogie frequency:  High between July - September 

Number of races in which I was overtaken by a kayak: 1 

Reasons not to date a runner: 10 

Numbers of upside down number tattoos: 1 

Number of times trodden on own foot with spikes: 0 (definitely a WIN) 

Reasons to start running: 10 

Reasons to Hate Running: 10 

Races over marathon distance: 9

Trophies won: 2 … and both for beer races. I know my strengths … Whale Ale Relay & Equinox Beer Mile 

Number of buttocks eating Nutella seen: 2

Running Rules: 27 

Feet of water I nearly drowned in, in my first triathlon: 4 

Miles run at TR24: 87 

Number of reasons a wine marathon is better than a road marathon: 20 

And number of adventures I'll be having in the new year? I'll aim for 2015 and go from there ...

Happy New Year ... may it be full of adventures and lots of good numbers.


  1. Just got your 'number of buttocks eating Nutella' statement...ewwwww! Thankfully none seen by me (although some smelt, I'm sure!)
    My Garmin once said I had run to Russia. (Pretty sure I hadn't. That's a long way from Northants.) The signal got messed up somehow and it made my run appear on the map a few thousand miles to the right! It's stuck to England since though.
    Happy New Year! :)

    1. Russia? Bet the pace was pretty amazing if you started and ended it in Northants within an hour too! Maybe it's your Garmin's way of suggesting a destination race ....!! :)

      The Nutella buttocks were during VLM ... wrong, so wrong!

      Happy New Year!!

  2. This is most definitely the best 2014 review I will read, love it :)

    1. Thank you!! It's been a pretty eventful year!! Hoping for some adventures in 2015 too!!

      Happy New Year!!
