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Thursday, 5 December 2013

Undeserved Praise & Warm Fuzzy Feeling: Dashing Divas

Wow! Over at Dashing Divas I have been described as an inspirational runner. Now  while I am honoured by such undeserved praise, I am actually convinced she really meant  irrational runner.

Irrational I can understand. If I’m not obsessing over exactly how much loo roll it’s wise to bring on long runs (as many squares as you can fit in your running belt while leaving room for gels, phone and keys), I’m choosing running socks by basing the decision solely on the number of neon dots I can get on each leg.  (38)

When I think of someone inspirational I think of a paragon of virtue and a dedication to the cause.

Certainly not someone whose current injury was brought about by falling off a revolving dancefloor on Saturday night (cough) and while my dedication to my cause cannot be brought into question, the cause is in fact a lifetime hunt to find and devour crème eggs and snaffle as much mulled wine as possible before the Christmas season is over. 

However, Siany has written a lovely post that makes me all fuzzy inside and she is also the driving force behind the #sub50project 10k. You’ve probably all seen the hashtag on twitter and if you’d like to join in to smash those 10k PBs then you can follow Siany here.


  1. always an inspiration to me, never an irritation, occasionally a revelation lol ;)
