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Friday, 31 January 2014

Thames Trot 50 Miler: A Positives-Only List ...

When I am worried about things, I often find writing a list helps. I write down what is worrying me and then I can look at it, see it in black-and-white and decide whether these things are actually scary and if they are, what I can do about them. Try and find a positive spin on things.

I did this for my upcoming race, the Thames Trot 50 … most of the route of which is still underwater due to the recent torrential rains. I made a list of negatives, then tried to answer these with positives.

However, the idea of two lists – the positive and the negative - was scuppered by a friend who told me to throw away the list of negatives. I did so.

I was left with this. It doesn't make a lot of sense but maybe you can work out what the negatives ... were.

Negative ….
Positive: Wearing flippers is fun. It would make it a lot more interesting than a normal 50 miler wearing trainers.

Negative: ...
Positive: Can always resort to a cork. Although maybe immodium might be a better idea. Would be embarrassing having to admit to the reasons behind shooting a fellow runner with a cork accidentally.

Negative: ...
Positive: Although snow was forecast a few days ago so that'll make a nice change.

Negative: ...
Positive: I'll have pick'n'mix sweeties.

Negative: ...
Positive: Will have crème eggs.

I like this idea of positive only lists. In fact it all sounds positively jolly. Sweets, flippers and accidental shootings.


  1. No cork shooting at Checkpoint 2 or the finish please!!!

    1. See! You escaped unscathed … apart from the obligatory pic with stinky ultra runner!! (Will keep calling myself that secretly until the gleam has worn off!!) :)

  2. LOL love the new look Sarah :)

    1. Thanks Paul! :) Was done by Kate at Elevenses Designs!

  3. Great positive attitude ;-) Im sure you will ROCK IT.

    1. Thank you!!! I packed creme eggs for it!! :)

  4. I love this way of writing a list! I'm definitely going to remember that for future wobbles :D

    1. Hee hee!! It was a good twitter buddy ( and now RL friend!) that suggested it to me! Was surprised how well it worked!! :)
