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Friday 10 March 2017


I am SO excited to tell you that I’ve been picked to be an ASICS FrontRunner! 

*bounces up and down in excitement* 

Running has been such a large part of my life for the last 7 years and I am SO EXCITED to be part of a community who loves it as much as I do!

The team is made up of very different people: Olympic athletes, triathletes, trail runners, obstacle course runners … and me. Me who has a creme egg addiction and falls in hedges rather too regularly. (I think I might keep quiet about that until it becomes glaringly obvious!) Luckily diversity is one of the points of the team (phew!)

The ASICS FrontRunner team launch is at the end of March up in Manchester and I’ll keep you updated about what’s going on! Speak soon!

If you want to find out more about the ASICS FrontRunner team you can take a peek at the website here.


  1. A huge congrats and very well deserved! Have a great time with it!

    1. Thanks Sophie!! I am SO excited! Keep repeating myself "I MUST behave and NOT fall into hedges. I MUST behave and NOT eat all the cheese ..."!

  2. Congratulations Sarah! How exciting!
