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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Dear Running, I'm Breaking Up With You ...

Dear Running ... It’s Not You, It’s Me ...

Running I’m not breaking up with you. We’re just ON a break. It’s not you ... it’s me.

Well actually it’s Plantar Fasciitis ...

We were so happy, you and I, Running. We’d spend hours together, in the sunshine, in the rain, in the mud and occasionally in the snow. We had our ups and downs (in Yorkshire and Beacon Hill were the main ones) but we were happy. I fed you trainers, you gave me the ability to eat inhuman amounts of food. It was a good partnership.

But I noticed things weren’t the same. We’d go out together and SHE would be there. Plantar Fasciitis – getting between us. Making our time together not quite so much fun. We started to spend less time on the road, we even switched to trails and hidden footpaths but she’d still find us.

I guess I could always hop, but it wouldn’t be the same. It wouldn’t be you. It wouldn’t be Running.

I know people have mentioned Triathlon, but I’d never do that to you, Running. There IS no-one else. I know you saw a cycle helmet the other day and a carelessly discarded pair of goggles, but they weren’t mine (cough, avoids eye contact) they must have been my roommates’ ...

Anyway, let’s not apportion blame. Plantar Fasciitis did this to us. Not me, not triathlon.

I’m sure I’ll see you around. I mean, I’ve got races booked, ultra marathons even ... but I think it’sjust best we have a break for a bit.

(Slams door, footsteps and muffled sobbing is heard)


  1. We all get injuries of different magnitude and duration - what makes us who and what we are is how we overcome these obstacles. Make it a cliff, and you will struggle to climb it and get over it; make it a slippery slope and it will have its ups and downs as you try and rush a comeback; instead take time out, try different disciplines to strengthen the rest of you so when you do come back to running its nothing more than a junior hurdle that you skip over....

    1. That's a lovely comment Taff, thank you. I'll look on it as another door opening … a chance to find something else I enjoy while I wait for my foot to heal. (Gosh - I sound really patient and not at all as if I want to bang my head on the table and amputate my own foot …) :)

  2. I love that even through injury woes you still write a humorous post. Really hope SHE gets the hint and leaves you and running alone together in happiness. Maybe you could introduce her to the tight hip flexor that's been bothering me lately ;-) ?

    1. Good plan! Hopefully they'll elope together and leave us alone with our respective Runs!! :)

  3. Sorry to hear that Sarah, hope you are on the mend soon :)

    1. Thank you!! I'm hoping I've caught it early enough to sort it out! It's manageable at the moment but I'm hardly running at all … sulk.

  4. Oh Sarah, it makes me sad to hear that you - of all people - are having a fight with running. You'll be on the mend soon, I am sure and back stronger and speedier than ever! xxx

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes. I'm a horrible non-runner - get major sulks so I'm likely to get forced back to running by family and neighbours when they can't stand the tantrums any longer :)

  5. Ahhhh Sarah bad news about this, my dad was suffering with from Plantar Fasciitis early this year and fortunately with daily exercise from a pretty darn good physio he's managed to recover it. I know it's a tad silly to begin to describe it but he built a mini ramp with a book (You can tell that thankfully, I'm not a physio). Good luck with your recovery! :)

    1. That's interesting Katie - one of my friends has sent me some exercises and there's something in there about building a ramp with a book!! If it works … can you pass me a book, please? :)

  6. Sorry to hear about the injury, hopefully you'll be back with your true love soon. :-)

    1. Thanks Mike. I know, right? There's me and Running and PF butts in … a true triangle if ever there was one!! :)

  7. Only you could make bad news such an enjoyable read!!! get fit soon buddy :)

    1. Thanks Paul. I'm hoping I've caught it early and I'll be able to sort it quickly. Don't like the idea of being off running for a year!

  8. Just think of all the fun you can have when you're on a break! :)

    1. Ha ha! That comment makes me think of that Friends episode: "We were on a BREAK!!!" :)
