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Tuesday 12 July 2022

Tesalate Towel Review: Will I Lose it in Triathlon Transition?

*I was sent 2 x Tesalate Towels to try. They were sent to me for free and I don’t get paid for reviewing them but I was asked to pop a review on for them. It’s an unbiased review – I’m saying exactly what I think as usual …!*

There are a few things I am looking for when I run down transition on the search for my spot on the racking … my bike and my distinctive towel. I carefully count my steps each time through transition … and then I get out of the swim, start running to my bike and forget which step I'm on. So a brightly coloured towel is a definite benefit!

A few days before Ironman Barcelona ... sitting on my sand-free towel!

Tesalate asked me if I wanted to try their towels … and after looking at the bright designs I said a very definite and resounding YES! They would send me a couple to try for free and in return I would write a review saying what I thought of them … whether that was good or bad.

I ordered the 2 designs I wanted … obviously I went for subtle and under-stated. NOT. I went for zebra print and tropical flowers (similar to this one) I had my mind very firmly set on having a towel I couldn't forget at the gym or miss during a triathlon!

A few days after I'd ordered the towels, I received a standard email stating that the towels came with an absolute guarantee and that they could be returned even after they'd been used which I thought was a nice touch.

Handy size for the gym

My first impressions:
  • Feel? The towel felt smooth - not like a classic bathroom towel. It was smooth and soft, almost silky.Not like my normal bobbly towels.
  • Design? The colours were bright and clear. Definitely easy to spot in a triathlon transition! (priorities!)
  • Size: is it big enough? Will it fit in a transition bag? Too big for a spin bike? The Tesalate towel is about the size of a decent hand towel or small bath towel. Good for transition or gym use, but not if you like towels wrapped twice around your body and tucked under your armpits.
  • Does it seem like it'll last? It feels strong and well made. Imagine it will be fairly durable.
  • Is it shedding threads? No. No concerns about threads coming off or the towel being delicate or fragile.
  • What's the quality like? The quality feels good. The towel feels strong and the design is bright. 
  • Is it bright? Will I spot it in transition? Yes definitely. Not a standard pattern either – no worries about someone else having the same pattern! 

What do Tesalate Say?
  • Sand free fabric technology. 
  • Antibacterial and odour-free. Antimicrobial additives built into the very core of our fabric, our workout towels remain smelling fresh, even after long hours of hard workout or any physical activity. We use zinc in the construction of the workout towel fabric and this acts as an antibacterial agent. Unlike other antimicrobial substances such as silver and copper, zinc-based additives are broad spectrum antimicrobials. This means they are effective against not just bacteria but also the growth of fungi including algae, mould and mildew that causes odour build up.
  • Bright and unique designs.
Wish I was back here now!

Thoughts after using the towel
  • I'd definitely take it to the beach again – sheds the sand!
  • Antibacterial so great for the gym … no concerns about picking up nasties from draping it over gym equipment.
  • A bit small for the shower to changing bag run but excellent size for packing light, using on a spin bike or treadmill or a day trip to the beach.
  • Very bright and clear even after multiple machine washes … and it'll be coming with me on holiday later this year again too!

Fancy your own? Have a look at the designs here: Tesalate

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